


  • Parents are required to call the school's ATTENDANCE OFFICE, 208-854-6235 or send an e-mail to: [email protected]  on the day a student will be absent from class and repeat this call EACH DAY the student will not be in attendance.

  • An answering machine is available for your convenience in making calls to the Timberline High School attendance office.


  • A student who is 20 or more minutes late to a class is considered absent for that class.

  • All absences, either for a partial or entire day, need to be excused by a phone call or a note from a parent/guardian within 48 hours of the absence.

  • Even though an absence is "excused", it will still count against the student's attendance unless one of the following occurs:

    • Medical documentation is provided from a health care provider.

    • Legal documentation is provided proving required attendance for court appointment.

    • A student is placed in in house detention.

    • A student is participating in a school sponsored activity (i.e., field trips, performances, class competitions, sporting events sanctioned by the district).

    • (NOTE: Club sports such as hockey, lacrosse, and ski team, are not sanctioned sports and district policy dictates that they cannot be considered "Activity Absences". These still need to be excused by a parent, but are definitely appealable if the student exceeds the 9 absence limit.)

  • In the event that a student will be gone for 3 or more days, for any reason, a "Pre Arranged Extended Absence" form is available for convenience of gathering homework. This is obtained by the student prior to the absence, and is signed by a parent/guardian verifying the dates for which he/she is excused. A copy is then submitted to the attendance office upon completion.


  • In order to leave campus during the school day, a student must obtain a Permit to Leave ("PTL"). This is accomplished by the following:

    • A phone call placed in advance to the attendance office specifying time and reason for leaving (it is appreciated if arrangements are made for the student to pick it up either before school, at break, lunch, or between classes in order to avoid a classroom interruption).

    • With a written note brought to the office by the student prior to the time of departure.

  • The student shows the PTL to the teacher and is excused to leave at that time.

  • If returning to school, the student needs to check back in at the Attendance Office upon arrival for a pass to class.


  • A student is marked tardy if he/she is not in the classroom and/or assigned seat when the tardy bell rings. However, tardies can be excused if a student is arriving from a verified appointment or due to circumstances beyond their control; or if being detained by a school official (within the 20 minute deadline).

  • Penalty for excessive tardiness:

    • 4th tardy: student will be informed and notification mailed to parent/guardian.

    • 5th tardy: student conference with administrator and notification mailed home.

    • 6th tardy: student will be assigned to Saturday School or detentions, and parent notified. Failure to attend Saturday School will result in a grade of "F", loss of credit, and placement in study hall.

    • Should a 7th tardy occur in the same class after Saturday School has been served, the student will lose credit and be placed in a study hall.


  • A truancy is an unexcused absence verified by the following actions:

    • Leaving campus during or between classes without a permit to leave.

    • Intentionally missing class, or arriving more than 20 minutes late to avoid a tardy.

    • Choosing to loiter elsewhere on campus other than the assigned class.

    • A legitimate call or note from a parent/guardian is not received within 48 hours.

  • Penalty for being truant:

    • 1st offense: warning from vice principal and notification of parent/guardian.

    • 2nd offense: parent/guardian notified, and student placed in in house detention for two days.

    • 3rd offense: parent/guardian notified; student placed on an attendance contract.

    • Work missed while truant may only be made up with 50% credit.

  • All truancies are cumulative, grades 10 through 12.

  • If contract is violated after 3rd offense, student will be withdrawn for remainder of semester.